Aerial view of directions to Keylim Mikvah, located on the northeast corner of Robertson Boulevard and Cashio. Entrance is EXCLUSIVELY through gate on Robertson Boulevard. If the gate is closed, the mikvah is closed.
Anshe Emes Synagogue is at 1490 S. Robertson Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90035. The entrance to the keylim mikvah is through the gate to the left (north) of the front of the synagogue as indicated by the red arrow pointing to GATE. If the gate is closed, the mikvah is closed. Do NOT bring utensils through the synagogue.
Highlight of gate to the north of Anshe Emes Keylim Mikvah. The mikvah is open from 8am until one half hour before mincha. (One half hour before plag hamincha in the summer time.)