Some electronic kitchen and food preparation devices require immersion. Some don’t. Learn more.

Support the Pico-Robertson Keylim Mikvah at Anshe Emes
The Pico-Robertson Keylim Mikvah at Anshe Emes is open!
If the gate is closed, please do not bring utensils through the shul.
We are happy to inform the Kehilla that the Anshe Emes Keylim Mikvah has reopened. There are strict guidelines that MUST be adhered to:
Latest Update: 11/7/2021 (winter)
Why do we immerse our new utensils in a Mikvah?
Parshas Mattos, (31:23): “Everything that would not come in the fire, you shall pass through water.”
It is inappropriate to disrespect the mitzvah of immersing your keylim if you deface the mikvah area with adhesive labels, stickers, price tags, boxes, cardboard, plastic or any other form of litter.
Please remove what you brought and dispose of trash at your home.
Some electronic kitchen and food preparation devices require immersion. Some don’t. Learn more.
You are away from your neighborhood and don’t know where to find a keylim mikvah. What bodies of water can be used?
What CAN’T be kashered and immersed?
My Pico Boulevard Restaurant frequently buys utensils that need to be dunked in a mikvah. I use Anshe Emes'.
So convenient. An essential part of the neighborhood for over 25 years.